Songs, Music Blogs & Other Blog Topics
Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas

Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas

This song is the perfect choice of Christmas songs this year. With the lockdown restrictions in place for the holidays, we are all sure to have a seriously little Christmas. Restrictions or not, there’s no reason not to make it a merry one.


Story Behind The Song

Why Cover This song?

It was hard choosing a song to cover for the holidays – there are so many of them I love! While looking for an instrumental version of “Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas”, I ran into Diana Krall’s version. Man, she makes her version sound so easy, but I discovered it wasn’t. So, I had to make changes. Starting with its key. However, for once, I’ve made no lyrical changes.

With COVID-19, this has been such a strange year. We’ve currently entered a full lockdown. Even though it’s all crazy around us, I’m glad we all have the knowledge available to us to protect ourselves and others as much as possible. Despite all the discussions about it, we all just have to go through it. In the meantime, better make the most of what we can do, what we do have and celebrate our holidays anyway, even if that’s a little smaller than we would’ve liked. There will be better times. This is why this song fits so well.

No Editing Allowed

In this one-take video, I sing the song live and it’s unaltered afterwards. Only some EQ, compression and a reverb were added, but no pitch correcting. It’s my goal to get better at singing and be able to do this best as possible. Maybe I’ll try this song, in this version, again some years later, because there’s still some progress to be made and it would be great to compare, at some point. For now, enjoy this version and have yourself a merry little Christmas!