In this playlist, I’m giving you a topic to talk about music with me. Leave me comments on YouTube and let’s start talking!
Music news from Nora Tol’s Newsroom
In 2016 and 2017 I took some music news stories to YouTube with my special Newsroom items. I provided background information to the stories I’ve written here on my website or touched upon subjects I couldn’t write about.
This playlist is no longer updated.
NTV Webisodes
Go behind the scenes of my songs and music videos, collaborations and more. In my NTV Webisodes I explain everything.
My Cover Songs
Cover songs allow me great practice. They also provide a great excuse to try things outside of my comfort zone. These are the covers I’ve done so far.
Cool songs by others
This is the playlist you need to check out if you love my music taste. It contains 14 cool music videos that I love right now and 1 of my own video for shameless self promotion.
Updated Every Friday!