UK based singer Kule T shares his most vulnerable moment in his latest release, “See Me”. The song is an on point description of the moment despair and depression meet. He describes it as a dark place he never wishes to revisit.
When Darkness Comes
Blog Interview by Nora Tol
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The Rawest Emotion
Kule T is very open about his most recent years and his path back to music. It’s been a rough time and he’s used music to deal with it, like therapy. I can relate.
Previously, he’s revealed he processed the sadness of heartbreak in his music, but this song is as raw, heavy and authentic is it gets. There’s something deeper below the surface. This is exactly what depression feels like.
Something Within
“See Me” is a serious song you have to be ready for. It describes the darkness of solitude.The moment you are vulnerable to numbness and pure emotional pain. Anything negative brewing within, comes out to those who let it.
The bridge of the song is an honest description about inflicting bodily pain to find relief from the mental pain. And that is just a light interpretation of it. I reached out to Kule T to talk about “See Me”. He confirms this state of mind when I asked him about it:
At the time of writing this, I was going through some really tough times. I was being ‘gaslighted’ and I didn’t even know it. My mind wasn’t my own and I had lost everything I knew and owned. At times, I found myself walking in the streets trying to find somewhere to live. Till eventually I cracked…so I had to find an output to put down how I felt, which stopped me from actually doing what was in my mind.
Kule T
No Need To Be Strong
We live in a world where strength is only recognized when you never show any weakness. However, you’re strong when you have the guts to show your weakness. It’s the kind of strength the strong will never know of. It’s the difference between being a survivor or just surviving. You wouldn’t recognize your ups if you’ve never been down.
Songwriting As Therapy
I salute Kule T for creating a song so detailed about the struggle with depression itself. Even more so for putting it out there. It will resonate with many.
To me, songwriting – even just writing alone – is a great tool to help process things. So naturally, I asked Kule T how he felt writing this song:
A big part of me got lost in the song. As I was writing the lyrics down, every sentence I wrote, a piece of that depressing, self-harming, self-destruction, loneliness, and trap feeling started to disappear into the words. It’s like transferring that bad energy, through my body, and into the notebook. Once the song had finished, I felt a lot lighter in spirit.
Kule T
Coming Out Of The Dark
So, it helped you find the light in the darkness?
Yes, definitely. I didn’t understand how deep my situation was, until I wrote this song. When I finished it, I got scared for myself. But, it also helped me to understand how I can channel my emotions and remain safe. I discovered myself again and it made me stronger
Kule T
Release The Negative
I think the song helps other people out there in similar situations. With the COVID 19 situation, this is something more people might recognized than ever before. Did you ever just think about not releasing it? It is as personal as it gets.
Ah, if you only knew how many times I said to myself not to release this song…you will expose yourself…don’t do it.
I wrote ‘See Me’ in 2019. So, I was delaying it for a while. But I started to think that this track could possibly help someone else that is going through tough times…Maybe it might save someone’s life.
My thinking was this: If a person is in a situation where they are unable to communicate, they could use this song as a representation of how they are feeling. I know that this seems strange, but, this is why I release the track.
Kule T
Let The Music Heal
Despite the heavy topic of the song, it’s not moody, musically. Okay, it’s obviously not a bop, but it’s a lot easier to listen than you would imagine, so I’m sharing it here and hope it helps someone, too.