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Shining some light back on Stevie B

Shining some light back on Stevie B

Written for Kurrent Music
Published March 18th 2017

Stevie B
Stevie B blog

It’s the pigheadedness of the Spotify phone app that actually led me to a surprise. I wanted to listen to the new EP by R&B singer Case, on which I’ll be blogging later, but Spotify decided to kick off its own playlist of various suggested artists instead. I never waited to see if it would actually start playing what I wanted to hear, but I did hang around for one suggested track, because it was by a vaguely familiar name: Stevie B. It’s a name I had not heard for many, MANY years.

The only song I know by Stevie B is “Because I Love You”. I wasn’t even sure if it was one and the same guy, but judging from the picture, and my faint memory of what he looked like, it could be.

The ballad, “Because I Love You”, had caught my attention when it was released in 1990. It was just that kind of music I was into, at the time, and I think I would’ve loved his material from before and after this song, had I known about it too.

Read the rest of my blog at Kurrent Music