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Album review: Angie Stone – Dream

Written for Kurrent Music
Published November 9th 2015

‘Dream’ is like a musical story book

Angie Stone
Angie Stone album review

In a time where everything is about branding, you have to wear the brands, brand yourself, brand your product, pfff, it sounds so true to hear someone sing “I want to know your name, not your brands”.

Angie Stone has released “Dream”, her latest album, on November 6th 2015. Most of the album showcases Angie’s typical neo soulful sound, like the ultra sultry “Magnet”, but there are two songs that take you back to the 60s.

In fact, “Clothes Don’t Make The Man”, which contains the line I mentioned earlier, sounds like it could’ve been a Supremes song or has been copied from one. The other song, “Quits”, just channels the 60s sound without any reminders to anything in particular, but it does sit well in between the many songs on this album about the disappointment in love and relationships.

Read the rest of the review at Kurrent Music