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Where’s your fire, Mariah Carey?

Where’s your fire, Mariah Carey?

Written for Kurrent Music
Published January 2nd 2017

Mariah Carey
Mariah Carey blog

Twitter welcomed me into the new year with a timeline jam-packed with tweets about Mariah Carey. If this were 1999 or so, this would’ve worked for me fine, but for many years I’ve seen Mariah slip into this world of madness. It’s just not a world that makes any sense to me.

Mariah rose to fame thanks to her 6 scale vocal range, soulish pop songs and a constant slew of number one hits. This was the era in which I was a huge fan. Then she had a slight break down. This was actually quite understandable. On many occasions, she had been debuting at the highest level in the entertainment business. And with that, I mean her first full live set as a headlining artist was MTV Unplugged. Most just start in a bar with a 30 people audience. A lot of her firsts were massive and I could understand those came with a lot of pressure.

Read the rest of my blog at Kurrent Music