Nora Tol Exhibits Handmade Jewelry

Handmade jewelry by Nora Tol

Handmade jewelry by Nora Tol

It was supposed to be just a bit of hobby, a thing on the side, but little by little it’s turning into a thing of it’s own.

Jewelry design

Making my own jewelry was intended to help me get some great eye catchers for photo shoots. As an artist, I’m always looking for ways to stand out from the crowd.

Jewelry Exhibition Debut

My bracelets and earrings very quickly started to get some attention of their own and now I’m very pleased to announce that I’ve been asked to exhibit some of my handmade jewelry later this year!

I’ll create new jewelry especially for this, so it’ll be a busy time ahead, but I’m loving it. I’ll make sure you’ll be able to see the photos of this on my website!

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